Closing Date: 15 January 2025
The National Heritage Council (NHC) – an entity of the Department of Sport, Arts & Culture (DSAC) continues to administer the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP5) funding in the 2024/25 financial year. The PESP5’s intention is very specific and targets job creation, economic stimulation, poverty alleviation among the following groups: youth, women, people with disabilities and indigenous groups to assist Government in stimulating jobs within the sector.
Applicants must be South African citizens and be registered on the NHC Funding Portal to qualify for support. PESP5 initiatives should demonstrate novel techniques and innovative models that could be used to help support the promotion and protection of heritage, includingsustainable management within the heritage sector and heighten the importance of cultural heritage in South Africa.
The following business formations are invited to apply:
Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs); Non-Profit Companies (NPCs); Community Based Organisations (CBOs); Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs); Associations; Foundations; Research/ Education Institutions participating in heritage projects; Community Trusts (NB: Family Trusts excluded); Traditional Councils; Individuals who are involved in heritage research projects and have partnered with a qualifying entity/organisation.
The funding will be available for project proposals in three main categories:
a. Living Heritage
Proposals should focus on the following areas:
- Research and Documentation of the history of African Traditional and Cultural Practices, including Indigenous Knowledge (IKS), originating from South Africa.
- Recording of Oral History and Narratives associated with South African heritage.
- Digitisation of indigenous South African traditional cultural collections associated with living heritage.
- Research and Documentation of history of indigenous South African Traditional Music and Songs.
- Documentation of Knowledge and Skills transfer sessions on the Preservation of African and Khoi and San Indigenous Knowledge Systems.
- Research and Documentation of Oral History associated with the role of women in the liberation of the country (South Africa).
b. Cultural History and Heritage
Proposals should focus on the following areas:
- Research and Documentation of Traditional Leadership Lineage and Succession in South Africa.
- Documentation of Sacred sites and Great Places associated with Traditional Leadership, with cultural significance and living heritage in South Africa.
- Documentation of the role and contribution of African Traditional Leadership in the Resistance and Liberation of South Africa.
- Documentation of the role of Khoi and San communities and leaders in the resistance against Colonialism and the liberation of South Africa.
- Documentation of liberation activities reflecting impact of 30 years of democracy.
Projects that require approval from any statutory body, such as the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) or the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority (PHRA) in the provinces must attach proof of such approval when applying for funding.
c. Education & Training
Proposals should focus on the following areas:
- Heritage Awareness and Public Education, based on the transfer of knowledge and skills on heritage in nation building and fostering social cohesion (Note: festivals, performances, ceremonies and associated events are excluded).
Excluded projects and businesses
The following project types will not be eligible for funding:
- All cultural and artistic performances.
- All film/video/theatre and drama production, including related activities.
- All projects with implementation targeted outside the borders of SA.
- Proposals applying for formal qualifications (SETA Accredited qualifications).
- Projects applying for capital expenditure (equipment, infrastructure, structures, renovations, and maintenance).
- Projects applying for operational costs (rent, salaries, office furniture) etc.
- Proposals without the required approvals and lack the necessary supporting documents from statutory bodies such as the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) or the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority (PHRA) in the provinces.
- Proposals applying for funding to do Heritage Impact Assessments.
The following business formations will not be eligible for funding:
- Closed Corporations (CCs).
- Family Trusts.
- Individuals applying without qualifying partnerships.
- Pty Ltd.
- Profit Making Organisations (Section 21 for gain).
- Cooperatives.
- Incorporated companies (Inc).
All active projects within the NHC public funding both PESP and NHC - and which still have to report and close their funded files should not apply.
Job creation requirement
PESP is primarily aimed at creating jobs that contribute to poverty alleviation. It is for this reason that the programme targets projects that assist in creating employment with the minimum requirements for funding limits as tabled below:
Maximum application amount
Minimum Number of jobs to be created
Note on submission and closing of the portal
Applications are completed and submitted online using the Grant Management System (GMS). Register on www.nhc.praxisgms.co.za
No physical applications (emailed/faxed/hand delivered) will be accepted. The portal will close at midnight on the closing date and no late applications will be accepted. All required compliance documents must be submitted with the initial registration and application. Applicants that fail to submit compliance documents will be disqualified.
NB: Only one application per organisation is permitted during any funding call and season. This funding advert is aligned with the approved and current NHC Funding Policy.
Email enquiries are preferred and should be sent to pespfunding@nhc.org.za or written on the GMS discussion board. Telephonic enquiries can be directed to (012) 748 3910 (reception) or 012 748 3936 (PESP office).
NB: The NHC reserves the right not to allocate funding!!!